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NEM and Regional Renewable Energy Shares Daily Profiles

[ To: 1D | 1W | 1M | 3M | 1Y || 2020 | 2019 ]

Period 1w

ID Max (%) Mean (%) Min (%) Sum (%h) Mean/Max (%)
RENEWABLE_SHARE:DISPATCH (NSW1) 55.6 26.1 13.5 629.6 47.0
RENEWABLE_SHARE:DISPATCH (QLD1) 64.4 27.4 8.8 658.9 42.5
RENEWABLE_SHARE:DISPATCH (SA1) 114.5 86.5 65.7 2,084.2 75.6
RENEWABLE_SHARE:DISPATCH (TAS1) 90.9 70.8 57.9 1,704.3 77.8
RENEWABLE_SHARE:DISPATCH (VIC1) 58.1 49.1 37.7 1,181.6 84.4
RENEWABLE_SHARE:DISPATCH (NEM) 62.0 38.7 28.1 930.9 62.3
Period (AEST): 2024-07-20 15:43:44 to 2024-07-27 15:43:44

[ To: 1D | 1W | 1M | 3M | 1Y || 2020 | 2019 ]

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