[ eljmkt nemlog: Generation / Fuel (co2e) / Station | Regions / Interconnectors | Weather | News | About / Contact || Survey ]

Change in supply for recent time periods - Victoria

[ To: NEM | NSW | Qld | SA | Tas | Vic ]

Victoria (Vic)

[ To last: Day | Week | Month | Quarter (Quarter) | Quarter (Year) | Year (Year) ]

Yesterday compared to its previous Day (Vic)

[ To last: Day | Week | Month | Quarter (Quarter) | Quarter (Year) | Year (Year) ]

Last Week compared to its previous Week (Vic)

[ To last: Day | Week | Month | Quarter (Quarter) | Quarter (Year) | Year (Year) ]

Last Month compared to its previous Month (Vic)

[ To last: Day | Week | Month | Quarter (Quarter) | Quarter (Year) | Year (Year) ]

Last Quarter compared to its previous Quarter (Vic)

[ To last: Day | Week | Month | Quarter (Quarter) | Quarter (Year) | Year (Year) ]

Last Quarter compared to same Quarter Last Year (Vic)

[ To last: Day | Week | Month | Quarter (Quarter) | Quarter (Year) | Year (Year) ]

Last Year compared to previous Year (NEM)

[ To last: Day | Week | Month | Quarter (Quarter) | Quarter (Year) | Year (Year) ]

[ To: NEM | NSW | Qld | SA | Tas | Vic ]

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